You Can Have Success Growing Herbs in Pots

By Tony Stevens

Growing herbs indoors is an excellent way to add to your herb garden. It is no more challenging to plant herbs in containers than it is to plant them out doors. They can also be grown indoors in sunny window boxes, hanging baskets or regular pots. Whether in or out doors, herbs need the same basic things.

All plants need three main things in order to grow successfully; sunlight, soil and water. Herbs are no exception. Sunlight is key to growing any type of plant including herbs whether they are grown indoors or in a garden. You should place herbs grown in a kitchen or other room in a south or west facing window to get the best kind of sunlight. Different types of herbs have different light requirements but, for the most part, all need a sunny location. Some home herb growers supplement the light source with "grow lamps" or fluorescent lamps.

Herbs are not too picky about having rich soil or potting medium. The soil needs to drain freely, though, and additional gravel in the bottom of the pot or container helps to promote good drainage. A rule of thumb if purchasing soil is to combine two parts soil to one part perlite or sharp sand. Naturally you will want the soil to be sterilized to avoid bringing pests into your herb garden. Occasionally it is necessary to "sweeten" the soil for your herbs. You do this with horticultural lime at a rate of about one teaspoon for each five inch pot of soil.

Herbs grown in pots also need water. Misting the plants and moistening the pebbles will help to keep the herbs within humid conditions. Since they are being grown in containers they do need to have more water then herbs that are grown in a garden but, you should avoid getting the roots of the herbs drenched or soggy.

Growing herbs in pots gives you freedom of movement. You can place your herbs anywhere you choose and keep them in easy reach for use. Depending on whether or not your herbs are annual or perennial, you can keep them indoors all year round. If your herbs are of the annual variety they can spend the entire year indoors. You will have better luck if you put your perennial herbs out doors for the warmer months and bring them in before frost so the leaves do not drop.

All herbs can be grown in containers but some herbs do better then others. Mint is an herb that needs to be contained or it will take over the garden. Over all it is fairly easy to maintain an indoor herb garden. It keeps the herbs handy and within reach anytime you need them for cooking. With these tips listed above, you will be able to care for your herbs and ensure a healthy plant. You should also include periodic light feeding and yearly repotting for optimum health of the herbs.

You will also have to remember to replant annuals each year and move perennials outdoors when needed. Plus, use your herbs as much as you want as well as harvest them occasionally. It is no secret that pruning plants encourages new growth. This rule also applies to herbs. So use them in your recipes, store them and give them away to friends. - 32376

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